Saturday, 15 March 2014

My first post!

I decided today to start a blog! I have been thinking about this for a while, and really think it may help me get some things out and off my chest. So, here goes my first post...

2013 was a difficult year for my husband and I, but it actually started out really great. We went on our first really big trip together as a couple in April, even though in 2013 we had been together for 11 years! We went to Italy for 2 weeks - the first week to a Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics conference near Barga, Italy, and then we spent a week in Florence together. It was the best trip we have been on together, and the start of what I hope will be some fun times travelling.

But, let me back up and switch topics... to get to the point of this post. Prior to our trip to Italy, we talked about starting a family. We never thought we wanted to be parents, and in fact, for most of our relationship, we said we would never have children. But, as we grew together as a couple, I realized that I really wanted it for us too. And, Jamie agreed. So, we decided that Italy was going to be our last big thing before trying for a family. I even had a date set when we got back to take out my IUD so that we could start the process of trying for a family. So that's what we did...

And, much to our surprise, 5 weeks later, we got a BFP! A positive pregnancy test! This was completely unexpected so quickly. That morning, I took a test on the way into the shower, not thinking it would be positive, but actually because I really wanted a glass of wine, and wanted to be sure. When I came out of the shower, I couldn't believe it... I took a digital and it actually said "Pregnant: 1-2 weeks". I ran out of the shower in my towel, to a completely unexpected Jamie, and started crying holding it up. Since I caught him off guard, he didn't know what to say or do... but, this was it. I was actually pregnant!

The next weekend, we were going camping with friends, and met up with them the next day after we found out. Jamie told our friends, so that they wouldn't be wondering why I wasn't drinking. We called family too. And, on Monday, I headed to the campus walk in clinic to see a doctor, who sent me for blood tests, and booked an 8 week ultrasound to date the pregnancy, since it was so soon after the IUD removal. Then, I went on my way. Up to the ultrasound, I spent those 5 weeks with early pregnancy symptoms... sore boobs, gagging, nausea, hunger and I was so tired. And, unfortunately for me, I couldn't keep my pregnancy a secret (I work in a lab) since it was very obvious something was up. I was tired, and couldn't do certain experiments. So, I was nervous too, for the future, for our ultrasound, for everything really.

Then, the ultrasound came along and... I think I held my breath until my husband excitingly asked if that flickering thing was the heart beat! A heart beat! Our little bean was measuring 7 weeks, 6 days and had a heart beat of 171 bpm! We were so in love!

***Warning here is my 1 and only picture of our baby***

We started talking about baby names, the nursery, paint colours, furniture... pretty much everything that new parents think about! And the future, too! It was a great time, despite the nausea, and the constant gagging, and the fact that the bathroom floor and I became great friends. 12 weeks rolled around and we were almost at the 2nd trimester! Our NT scan was 1 week away....

Then, the brown spotting, which had been happening off and on during my pregnancy, started nagging at me. I called my doctor. I was sent to the ER. We spent 4 hours in the ER thinking everything was fine... we would see our Bean, we would come home, and everything would be ok. But, it really wasn't. The first clue - the ancient ER ultrasound machine couldn't find a heartbeat, though the ER doctor said it was old, and couldn't find such small things sometimes. This was wrong though... our baby was almost 13 weeks! We should see Bean on the screen... and we did, but not clearly. So, off to radiology we went, and I was sent into the ultrasound room alone. I should have known that something was so. The tech was so quiet, and she didn't say a word the whole time. I couldn't see the screen because it was behind my head, but she called in Jamie, and the doctor, who told us the worst thing I have ever heard in my whole life. The baby died. There was no heartbeat. Though I was almost 13 weeks pregnant, the baby hadn't grown past nine weeks. A missed miscarriage. My betas were only 3000. I would need a D&C.

Saying that I was devastated is an understatement. I remember crying that I wanted my baby back. Dropping my glasses (they are still scratched, and the lens has popped out a bit). I could barely make it back to the room, and I was taken back in a wheel chair... through the ER waiting room (what a stupid hospital) looking like a crazy person since I was hysterically crying. I texted my sister. Jamie texted work to take time off. We drove home. I almost collapsed in the hall, and just made it to bed before crying for literally 24 hours. Jamie pretty much forced me to eat and sleep, since I felt (and looked) like shit. The D&C was scheduled - August 26, 2013. The 2nd worst day of my life.

Having a miscarriage is like having your heart taken out of your body momentarily, and being handed to you with a piece missing, or, like being punched really hard in the stomach. It puts you in a fog. It not only takes away your baby, but it takes away anything you had wanted in the future. Those plans you made? Those were gone too. If you really let yourself, you can be pulled down into the sorrow to the point where you can't see a way out. I know this - I was there for a week. I didn't work, didn't go out... I don't know if I ate, or how much I slept... and my first day back at work turned into a melt down in the car, and a taxi ride back home. I spent this time fighting nausea from the beta HCG remaining in my system. I still felt pregnant for a while. This, if anything, made it worse. My body didn't know I had a loss, though my mind certainly did. It's almost cruel that for 3 weeks we thought our baby was growing, when in reality, my body had no idea what was up. The fog ascended and it didn't lift for a long while...

So this began my journey into life after loss, which is a topic for another time.

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