Tuesday, 25 March 2014

An after loss journey and friends!

Part of my journey into the post-loss world involved joining an online support group through the Bump called Trying to Conceive After a Loss (or TTCAL). If not for TTCAL, I am not sure if I would have gotten through everything as well as I have.... and it's nice to have ladies around that understand exactly what you are going through, almost to the tee. I have met some very good friends on the TTCAL board that I hope to meet in real life sometime in the near future.

The downside to TTCAL is that it's online, and open to everyone, meaning that drive by posters are common and douchery abounds. It's hurtful, and ridiculous. And, it makes me wonder what type of person would think it is ok to come into a group of grieving, and frustrated women and be so mean.

The other thing that is super common on the TTCAL board is bad advice. I mean, stupid, pointless comments and suggestions from people who really have no job even saying anything. As a result of this issue, I made this "How to give proper advice on TTCAL" flow chart. Here:

I am not sure if this helps. Generally, people who think that they are right can't be swayed, no matter what. To my real TTCAL friends, thank you and I love you! 

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